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One-on-One Mentoring Photography Lessons in Columbus, Ohio

One-on-one mentoring is now available for photographers in and around Columbus, Ohio. Maybe you're looking for camera lessons for that camera that you got two years ago but never quite learned how to use. Maybe you're looking to push yourself to understand manual mode (aperture? shutter speed? ISO? no problem!). Maybe you'd really like to understand how LIGHT and COMPOSITION are what make good photos. After a session or two with me, you'll never use the automatic modes again--and you'll love the control and confidence you'll get as a result. You'll also understand how to start looking for good light in order to compose an amazing photo.

Maybe you're looking for help with Adobe Lightroom. What should you do to better organize your photos in the Library Module? How can you work your way through the development module to create stunning images? Or maybe you've taken a photo that you think can't be saved without major editing. I can teach you how to polish those photos that are almost there and to save those photos you think are lost.

Or maybe you've been a little tentative to jump into the world of flash photography. (I'm talking speedlights like this, not the little pop-up flash on your camera.) And maybe you've heard of this thing called "Off-Camera Flash" and how amazing it is but just haven't taken the plunge to learn. I'll walk you through how to use a speedlight, what the buttons do, where you can put it for different types of images, and how you can use modifiers to expand your creativity even more! (In fact, if you're looking for a place to start RIGHT NOW, then take a look here.)

Wherever you are in your photography journey, I'd like to tag along and help. Get in touch with me today to begin your one-on-one photography mentoring.

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Together, let's start making photos like these:

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